If you are looking at the best source of Waterproof Vinyl Flooring in Tampa, you have to come to visit us!! We are Wholesalers Distributors of the Best Quality Luxury Vinyl Flooring at an unbeatable price!
As we carry our own line of SPC Vinyl Flooring, we are dedicating all our experience to create an innovative line of flooring
- 100% Waterproof!!
- Scratch Resistance
- Pet Friendly
- Special for Commercial and Residential Traffic
- Beautiful Colors and Design
- Environmental Friendly
- Easy Installation and,
- Ready To Go!
What is waterproof flooring? When it comes to flooring, waterproof means waterproof — no water or moisture can penetrate the material, soaking it to its core. With waterproof flooring, the waterproofing is “baked in”. Rather than being treated with a special coating to protect it from water, the flooring is made of fully waterproof material.
Is vinyl flooring 100% waterproof? The majority of WPC vinyl plank flooring and WPC vinyl tile flooring is the best knows for being 100% waterproof. The special vinyl waterproof flooring core is designed to be water-resistant in wet areas like bathrooms, kitchens, basements & laundry rooms.
Is there such a thing as waterproof laminate flooring? In short, the answer is NO, laminate flooring is NOT waterproof. … Many types of vinyl flooring are waterproof and/or highly water-resistant. Laminate, on the other hand, is made out of recycled hardwood, so it is not waterproof.

Come to Visit Us! You Can talk to one of Our Flooring specialists in Our Showroom at7709 Anderson Rd Tampa, Fl 33634. Call Us at 813-515-5900 or email us at sales@theflooringdistrict.com