Yesss The Gold one is Coming Back! Gold travertine has such a unique color. It has a splash of white and red in it. If you like a vibrant look apply an enhancing sealer. You can email us at sales@theflooringdistrict.com if you like to know how to get the right sealer.
Gold travertine has matching copings. If the pool is straight-edged like a square or rectangular use 12×24 pool copping. If your pool is round or eclipses use 6×12. Gold travertine pavers are tumbled. The tumbling process makes gold travertine non-slip. It absorbs water on it pretty quickly due to very small holes on its surface. This makes gold travertine perfect stone for pool deck. Gold travertine is very popular as a paving material in Tampa for its Mediterranean Style. Any upscale home can not be complete without gold travertine in Tampa or in warmer cities. Indulge your pool or backyard with elegant gold travertine tiles.
When Size is Matter.
If you have a small pool deck less then 1000 Sq ft you can consider 6×12 as a first option. Since 6×12 is cheaper people prefer it as cost-saving option. Also, ease of installing a 6×12 gold paver in different designs makes this size popular. Herringbone pattern is one of them. If you do not like patterns 16×16 pavers are way to go. They are not too big or small. Pool deck around 2500 Sq Ft looks great with 16×16 gold paver. You can install it diamond or straight. You can also install it broken joint or subway stile. French pattern gold travertine is the most popular size. Since it is consist of 4 different sizes it produce a unique dimension to your pool deck or backyard. You can never go wrong with french pattern gold travertine in Miami. Its Mediterranean influence is felt even if you are in Miami shore or Tampa. If you are not found of patterns and your deck or backyard is pretty big, 24×24 gold travertine pavers are way to go. Its big size makes right size pool deck even more spacious. Diamond, straight or broken joint, 24×24 gold travertine will bring your outdoor to a new level.
But, is Travertine a Natural Stone?
The Stone refers to any material of natural origin, it is extracted from: quarries and mining operations. Natural stones such as marbles, granites, travertines, slates, quartz, etc. they are products of nature, therefore the presence of veins, variations of color and tone are characteristic of the material.
Travertine is a sedimentary rock formed in a long geological process and is composed of several elements, the main is calcium carbonate.
This type of rocks present in nature have originated millions of years ago, travertine is formed in freshwater areas, usually in riverbeds. The travertine exporting countries are: Turkey, Italy and Spain. Our travertines are mostly imported from Turkey, we also have Italian travertines and other stones of Spanish and Egyptian origin.
The paver is any stone cut to 1 1/4 “or more in thickness: 1 1/4” and 2. “The travertine paver, is designed primarily to be installed on flexible surfaces such as on sand but in some cases, if necessary, it can be installed on rigid surfaces as well as a tile, it’s thickness is from 1 1/4 “to 2”, so it is able to support loads on flexible surfaces.
The paver’s properties are:
* The weight of the paver is approximately: 16 lb / sqf. * The long geological process makes it a very compact, strong and resistant rock. * As a result of the chemical processes that occur naturally in the stone, the hollow cavities that characterize it are formed. These cavities help to make it an anti slippery coating and allow the water to drain naturally in areas of great extensions. * The travertine is resistant to low temperatures and high temperatures, therefore, it is an ideal coating for outdoor, because it maintains a pleasant temperature even being exposed in summer and winter. * One of the properties of travertine, as well as any natural stone, is that each piece is unique and unrepeatable. The color has variation but always stays in the same palette / color range. What criteria indicate the quality of the travertine paver?
* The four corners of the tile should be cut at 90 degrees.
* The back face should not have large gaps, a solid piece should be as much as possible.
* The thickness of the paver should be measured in inches.
* The shipping boxes must be strong wooden pallets suitable for forklifts.
The range of colors of the travertine goes from the ivory / beige light, to the dark gray color, but always staying in colors contributed by the nature. The color of the travertine is originated by the formation and the geological process that the stone has had as such. Minerals such as iron present in the rock, for example, form veins in reddish coloration. The natural tones of the travertine range from soft ivory and pale white to the rich golden tones of walnut and rustic reds and deep coffee tones. Also the form or technique of cutting the block of stone, result in two apparently different stones: the common travertine we know “cloud” and the travertine “vein cut”, which has veins along the stone. The travertine only takes a process of cutting and finishing but does not have any process of coloration, reason why we recommend to consider this property when designing a space with any natural stone, each piece is unique and unrepeatable but always stays in the same palette / range of colors. The colors of each tile will vary with the mottled and veins or bands of contrasting colors throughout the stone. Each stone has a unique character and style, although the stones extracted from the same area will have enough general similarity to create a beautiful floor. Each tile is uniquely designed by nature with striking patterns, cracks and distinctive veins.
The Travertine gold is a beautiful and rich golden yellow stone, which can contain movements created by deposits and veins of dark yellow, ocher, brown and white. The formation process tells us the same stone, when it shows us its lines, layers of this mix of colors that are perfect to cover our spaces and make a totally warm and cozy atmosphere.
The paver is designed to be installed on a bed of sand previously compacted and / or can be installed on rigid pavement as concrete, as a common tile, in cases that is necessary for the different surfaces that are in an environment or an area . The way in which the paver is installed depends on the measure or pattern that the client has purchased. There are many ways to install a paver, for example, a paver 12×24 (Herringbone, brick pattern, diagonal basket, among others). The percentage of waste of approximate installation for each project is 10% and for installation of some pattern or special form is 15%.
Travertine is a natural material and, as such, you must take certain precautions when cleaning it. It is also necessary to avoid doing some things that can damage it, it is not a type of pavement that requires complex maintenance. You also have to be careful with the liquids spilled on the travertine, it is advisable to clean as soon as possible if it has spilled, for example, red wine to prevent the stains from penetrating. As a general rule, we do not recommend using too strong detergents or abrasive products to clean them as this could damage the travertine irreparably. Nor should ammonia or acidic products such as vinegar be used, as they could discolor it. The best to clean it? Water with soap and in case of water pressure.